Twisted Networking Featured Us At Their May 2024 Virtual Event

After attending several Twisted Networking events this year, I was honored to be invited to be the Featured Speaker at their most recent virtual event last month.

Jevonya Allen does an excellent job of hosting this event series that stands out from other networking events. What’s the “twist,” you may be wondering? Visit her website to learn.

She asked insightful questions about my business and about what motivates me in my entrepreneurial journey. I had a great time speaking with her, and meeting more folks in her network. She recorded the event, snippets of which are below. (Thanks for sharing the footage, Jevonya! 🙏🏻)

BTW: You’ll see my home office in a state of construction, which ironically was repaired the day after their event. However, as I documented on LinkedIn, I viewed this state of disarray as a litmus test, since any positive feedback from client discovery calls could be attributed 100% to what I offer and the value it brings to my clients — as opposed to the slickness of my video frame.

What does Analytics mean?


Why do I do what I do?


What's one tip or piece of advice you'd give to help other solopreneurs to succeed?


Speaking of networking….

I’m becoming more of a believer in the power of networking every month. It’s a great way to meet not just folks who fit your ideal client profile (ICP), but other business owners you gel with who can connect you with ICPs in their network, along with others who can become referral partners for your business. If you’d like recommendations of other worthwhile event series to attend, reach out to me.


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Be Careful With Background Video On Your Website Homepage