Why You Should Trial Email Verification for LinkedIn Connection Requests
Are you getting too many LinkedIn requests that, once accepted, immediately turn into sales pitches? If so, there's a setting in your account you can change to combat this. Try it and see if it makes you feel more zen when using LinkedIn.
Three Ways to Determine Share of Website Visits from Email Marketing
Despite flashier recent marketing channel alternatives, email continues to be a top audience engagement and conversion channel. Here are three ways to measure your website visits from email, from low to high tech.
The Low Magic Number of Video Interviews for a Weekly Content Schedule
You don't need as many subject matter expert interview clips as you think to create a posting schedule that will seem diverse and impressive to your audience.
Two Things to Never Do to People Who Introduce You to New Contacts
Here are our two cardinal rules when someone in your network introduces you to someone from their network.
.TXT File: The Solopreneur's Digital Swiss Army Knife
The humble .TXT file can be used for a lot more than just quick brainstorming and copying/pasting from one app to another. Here's how we use it — and how it keeps our tech stack lean.
Four Ways a Blog Helps Your Business Beyond SEO
While most businesses are sold on starting a blog because of the SEO benefits it reaps over time, there are many other great reasons to publish on a regular basis. Here are four of our favorite reasons.
Three Signs That a Discovery-Call Lead is Not a Fit for You
While a business lead can look great “on paper” going into a discovery call, unfortunately not every call will proceed further in your marketing funnel. Here are three signs to look for on your first call with a lead which suggest that your time moving forward might be better spent following up with other leads.
The Website Platform Calculation: Backend UI Vs. SEO Potential
SEO potential has been, and remains, important for website marketers to keep in mind when selecting a web management platform. However, there's another factor to weigh heavily against this: the ease of use of the platform's backend user interface (UI).
The Excited Or Late Test for Stressed Entrepreneurs
When you run your own business and really enjoy what you do, you can put unnecessary stress on yourself when you're away from your desk. At these times it's helpful to ask yourself, "Is there something I have to do right now, or am I just excited?"
An Essential FAQ Question for Marketing Agencies and fCMOs
Your potential clients desperately want to know how THEY will know their marketing content that you provide is working. Addressing this in your FAQ is an opportunity to demonstrate your market dominating position — and even to boost conversions into your starter-level package.
Virtual Networking in the Spotlight on The Business Library Podcast
We were honored to be asked to speak on The Business Library podcast. Here are highlights of our episode focused on using LinkedIn as a virtual networking portal.
The Case for Using Your Email Platform as a CRM
Customer relationship management (CRM) systems have gotten a lot more expensive in recent years. Here's how I save $80+ per month by using Google Workspace and Google Sheets as my CRM.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love No-Show Calls
What I do with my time when someone no-shows me on a discovery call, instead of banging my fists on the desk.
4 Tips for Building a Strong Services Brand Online
A defined, differentiated brand that makes you easily findable, recognizable, verifiable, and accessible can help you stand out as the only choice among many choices.
Google Making Tag Manager Less Necessary is a Good Thing
Any move by Google that gets more marketers to dig into analytics more often is a step forward for businesses and for economic growth.
Client Discovery Calls Are Not Just for Generating Sales
On these calls, balancing selling with listening can yield incredible, multidimensional benefits for your business.
Seven Ancillary Benefits of Virtual Networking for Entrepreneurs
When it comes to virtual networking events, often you'll get value in multiple aspects of your business that exceeds the value of new leads you meet.
Four Free Online Tools for Quicker Digital Campaign Completion
Here are the shortcuts in our Bookmarks that we turn to to publish social media posts, landing pages, and more in record time.
Five Breakout Room Personas to Avoid in Virtual Networking Events
Here are some annoying personas you’ll encounter in your virtual networking journey. To come off as classy and approachable, avoid inhabiting them.
Twisted Networking Featured Us At Their May 2024 Virtual Event
We were honored to be invited as the Featured Speaker at Twisted Networking’s May 2024 virtual event. Check out clips of Owner Mark Harbeke’s responses to Host Jevonya Allen’s questions.